Wednesday, December 16, 2009


Jemara started a Swear Jar at home. Everytime daddy says a bad word, I put a dollar in the jar. The term "jar" is being used very loosely. The "jar" is really her purse and she's gotten about 15 bucks from me over the past couple weeks. I do my best to not cuss around her, but sometimes (and usually while I'm playing the Xbox) a bad word or two will slip out. That girl has cuss-word-induced hearing though, because as soon as I curse she immediately pops out of hiding, like a money collecting ninja, with her palm extended and a big grin on her face. I am slowly getting better though. Anyway, I figured I could blog curse words all I want because I don't say them outloud. I won't push my luck though because I'm sure Jemara would figure out some Swear Jar loophole so she could collect on both spoken and written words. She's too darn smart for an 11 year old.

Why is this blog titled "Kick-Ass"? Because that is the title of a movie coming out next year. Being a comic-based movie, it's been a tiny blip on my radar the past couple months. The trailer came out and I was impressed, but it wasn't like Watchmen-induced nipple erection. Well, that was until I saw this:

Here's the trailer:


Thanks to Merrick at AintItCool for showering me with the goods. Have fun kicking ass...oops, I mean butts you crazy kids!


Unknown said...

YAY!! Saw this the other day and it looks fuckin' fun!!!

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