Anyway, Halloween was a time to dress up and be someone else. Even though that someone wasn't necessarily your first choice, or fifth, but you were just stuck with it because mom & dad had to hit K-Mart on Halloween itself to find your costume. You can be someone else for a while and all you had to do was ring a doorbell and say trick-or-treat to get free candy...or pennies...or Jeebus fliers. Then you'd come home and your parents would sort through your haul and toss out all the "suspicious" candy which translated to any candy in an already open wrapper, or no wrapper at all. Seriously though, if someone went through the trouble of putting a razor blade in my Snickers then why would they leave it in an obviously tampered wrapper? Silly parents. In the end you were left with a bunch of candy and you had to follow strict rules as to when you can have it and how often. To kids we wanted it now and all the time. By Thanksgiving you're normally left with black candy corn and root beer candy.
The fun and intrigue of Halloween has carried on to my adult life. Now, instead of candy, I feed off screams. There is something truly rewarding when scaring the crap out of someone. If you've done it, you know exactly what I'm talking about. For more than a few years now, The Lowrie's and others have helped to pull off some of the best Halloweens of my life. We do a haunted house in the grandest scale, and have a lot of fun in the process. In years past we've done different themes. I think the first was a haunted castle-like thing. The past two years have been the haunted pirate ship. This year? Zombie church. Here's a few clues to help whet your appetite:

Some assembly required...


Ken measuring his "stick"...

Shingles (the roof kind, not the skin kind)...

Nothing says holy like stained glass...

Is it real or is it Memorex?

Stay tuned!
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