Sunday, September 20, 2009

What the What?!

I'm not really the type to brag, but I'm an award winning filmmaker. In 2005, Ken and I entered in our first "insomniac" film festival/project/competition. Basically, you're given a certain amount of time and in that time you have to write, shoot, edit and submit a short film based on certain elements provided at the very start of the competition. Then the starter pulls the pistol, and you're off...and you aren't sleeping much. Hence, why they're called "insomniac" film festivals.

Anyway, in 2005, we competed in the Filmerica 72 Hour Film Challenge. It was our first competition and we won Best in Genre for "Heroes are Made".

So, I really am an award winning filmmaker. ;-) Seriously, that movie was only successful because of the help and dedication of a LOT of friends and family. Hard to believe that was 4 years ago.

Ken and I have competed in other insomniac film fests since then, but we haven't won any awards...until today! That's right, I'm an award winning filmmaker reborn!!! Muahaha[cough cough]haha. Recently, Ken and I entered into the Orlando 48 Hour Film Project. Given the elements (noted on the webpage) and the randomly picked genre of Comedy, we wrote, shot, edited and submitted "Let Sleeping Squirrels Lie" in 48 hours.

I'm happy to report the results have been released and we won Best Use of Character and Best Writing!!!

That was one of the best experiences I've had as a filmmaker and I have to give mad props to our cast (Mike, Lisa and Pat), our crew (Morgan, Lauren and Brenda) and our support staff (my wife, Laarni, Jordan and Jemara). Without all of your contributions, we wouldn't have pulled off such a successful film. I'd especially like to extend a thank you to Ken. Mano, without your support and personal commitment to the overall success of Cloudy Logic Productions, none of this would be possible. Plus, thanks for believing in me.


Unknown said...

nice!! congrats, award-winning film maker! did you get a little trophy or a ribbon?

Willie said...

Didn't get either. Just the right to use, "Hey baby, I'm an award winning filmmaker" as a pick-up line at bars.

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