Sunday, January 3, 2010

Planet Pandora

Planet Earth is probably one of the best documentary series ever done. It shows the wonder of our planet in spectacular detail with breathtaking shots and wonderful narration. The original series was done by the BBC and Discovery Channel redid it with Sigourney Weaver narrating. If you've never watched it, you should really add it to your viewing queue. It is truly awesome.

Sigourney is also in Avatar, which reached a billion dollars just TWO weeks! Yes, the movie is that good. Many can relate to it, but it also contains a certain amount of depth. It is a story that has been told many times before, especially in the world of Japanese anime, but Cameron's telling of it is visually stunning. Anyway, someone in Jimmy's camp realized Sigourney did Planet Earth and decided to do an Avatar-based featurette in similar fashion. Enjoy.


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